
Roadmap to Success: Charting the Future of the Cyber Cards NFT Project

The Cyber Cards NFT project is committed to delivering the best possible experience for its users. With that in mind, we have developed a detailed roadmap that outlines the key milestones and goals for the project over the next few months and years.

PHASE 1: Development and launch of MVP (Minimum Viable Product)

  • Q1: Research and development of the project's MVP, including the selection of a suitable blockchain and the creation of smart contract functionality.

  • Q2: Completion of MVP development, testing, and launch on the selected blockchain.

PHASE 2: Expansion of NFT offerings

  • Q3: Development and launch of new NFTs related to politics, trading cards, and art.

  • Q4: Continued expansion of the NFT offerings, with a focus on high-quality and unique items that appeal to a wide range of users.

PHASE 3: Building a strong community

  • Q1 of following year: Community building and engagement initiatives, including the launch of a rewards program for active users, partnerships with key industry players, and other marketing and outreach efforts.

PHASE 4: Increase in utility and benefits

  • Q2 of following year: Increase in utility and benefits of the NFTs, including the launch of new use cases and tokenomics.

  • Q3: Continual evaluation of the ecosystem and introduction of new features and improvements as needed.

We will continue to work hard to make the Cyber Cards NFT project a success, and we look forward to sharing our progress and achievements with you along the way.

Last updated